Raise the Bar
What can I get you?
Tips for setting yourself apart?
Strategies for raising capital?
Pull up a chair.
I've got some thoughts on tap.
Changing the Trajectory for Girls in Finance
Finance isn't just a career path, it's a life skill. Women are at a disadvantage in both. So I’m headed back to school. In fact, five of the women at my company have joined the classroom at Rogers High School in Newport, RI for the 2022/23 school year. We are teaching financial concepts, shining a light on career opportunities, helping the girls write their own stories…
3 Steps to Balance Your Time Better
Being busy isn’t a badge of honor or a sign of how important you are. If your busy-ness has you sacrificing your health, family, or passions, it’s just a sign you need to prioritize and manage your time better. By scheduling in your priorities, being intentional with your time, and batching your work, you can step off the conveyor belt of meetings and create the balance you want.
Showing a side you think no one wants to see
First snow this morning reminded me of when I fell in love. Nah, not that love... my love for Newport. Everyone loves Newport in the summer. The sun, the beach, the boats, the booze… but not me. I fell in love in the winter. 9 years ago, I saw an ad in the train station or Holidays at the Mansions. I’d never been to Newport so…
Normalize everyone having a seat at… every table
I just set my Monday away message. It’s probably not what people expect. That’s okay, I’m not what people expect either. Four years ago when my daughter was born, I was 40 years old. My work life was well-established - Founder/CEO of a multi-million dollar biz…
20 High school girls took a field trip to Havener Capital
Friday was a big day in the halls of Havener. We threw a party to celebrate breaking things - like glass ceilings and stereotypes. In partnership with Rock The Street, Wall Street, we welcomed 20 high school girls to our office to show them what a career path in finance could look like.
I am pretty and I refuse to sit still
This little girl is me. She had to wear a skirt every other day to public school. Sweet outfits with pink flowers, bows and shiny shoes. No sneakers or (gasp) workboots. She had to pay for her own college because people said she was going to college "to find a husband," not a career…
How one high school teacher changed my life
Last Wednesday felt like the first day of school. 'Cause it was. I got to do something I've dreamed of. Teach a class. Even better? With some of my squad. Even better? We're helping girls in public high school. Girls who don't know numbers, def don't love 'em…
What you love can lead you to the right place
Dads give some pretty good advice, but on this one, my dad was oh-so-wrong. I spent my freshman year of college "trying on" a bunch of potential majors - social work, philosophy, political science. In my sophomore year, I declared English Literature. My dad wasn't vibing…
How the investment industry could be more like the Boys Club soccer camp
As a young girl, I went to camp at the Boys Club with the coach of the high school boys soccer team. I was the only girl (shocking I know). Now I am a founder in an industry dominated by men.
A lesson from my 4-year-old daughter
Everywhere we go, my daughter makes a friend. She scopes the scene, watches the dynamic a bit, then walks right up, introduces herself, and says with confidence, "Hi. Want to be friends?" It is perfect in its simplicity…
Rocking it for the girls
We start to lose girls in math at age 9 in the U.S. As they age, girls report significantly lower confidence in math, despite earning equal scores to boys. A lot of us are talking about it. Rock The Street Wall Street is doing something about it. And so am I.
Go write a thank you note already
Before I left Newport for Jamaica, I put a stack of thank you cards in my suitcase. Two weeks there, some magic was bound to happen. I knew memories would be made and people would touch our hearts. People who aren’t on social media…
Meet the blogger
Hi, I’m Stacy Havener.
Founder of Havener Capital. Raising billions, stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up (cocktails included).
I’m a blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Born in the ‘70s, survivor of the ‘80s, and still in love with the ‘90s, I’m obsessed with all things old school – hip-hop music, classic cars and vintage furniture.
A must read
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