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I've got some thoughts on tap.
Create Your LinkedIn Connection Strategy and Find Your People
LinkedIn is packed with potential—and I’ve experienced it first-hand. Since I got serious about posting regularly, most of my firm’s leads can be attributed to the community I’ve built on the platform. It’s easy to overthink your strategy and get overwhelmed, so to help you get started, I’m sharing some of my best tips for connecting with people on LinkedIn.
Take Your LinkedIn Profile Beyond the Basics
91% of execs rate LinkedIn as their preferred platform for professional content, emphasizing that LinkedIn is not just a social network or job posting site but a powerful tool for thought leaders to shape conversations. Let’s go over the questions I get about upgrading your profile and settings. These tips will help you take your LinkedIn profile beyond the basics.
Answers to FAQs About Posting and Engaging on LinkedIn
LinkedIn has more than 900 million members and 40% access it daily, racking up over 1B interactions per month. If you’re not using LinkedIn to share your thought leadership, build relationships, and generate leads, you’re missing a key opportunity to meet your prospects where they are. Are you ready to meet your true fans where they’re at? Let’s go over the main questions I receive about posting on LinkedIn.
Tap Into the Power of Dark Social
Dark social refers to the sharing of content through private channels that are difficult to track such as private messaging, email, podcasts, community discussions, and other methods that don't leave a public trail. It also refers to the people who are reading your content in the shadows. While this type of skulking and sharing may seem innocuous, it’s a powerful force that can greatly affect the reach and impact of your content.
Why Advisors Do Social Media Wrong (And How You Can Get it Right)
99% of people in financial services are missing the mark with social media. (Yikes!) So I paired up with FMG Chief Evangelist, Samantha Russell, and we put on a webinar (with nearly 1,000 advisors in attendance!) to teach you how to build credibility and generate leads on LinkedIn.
5 things successful investment boutiques understand about marketing
Most CEOs tend to focus on sales, but successful CEOs know that marketing is the key driver for sales. Learn the 5 key things successful CEOs understand about marketing and steal this list of questions to set your firm up for 2023.
Actionable Steps to Authentic Leadership
Just as authenticity helps you strengthen trust and loyalty with prospective and existing clients, it does the same with prospective and current team members. Research has shown that authentic leadership serves as the strongest predictor of employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work happiness. And in a world that’s increasingly virtual, you must allow yourself to be truly seen to effectively lead a team.
3 Steps to Balance Your Time Better
Being busy isn’t a badge of honor or a sign of how important you are. If your busy-ness has you sacrificing your health, family, or passions, it’s just a sign you need to prioritize and manage your time better. By scheduling in your priorities, being intentional with your time, and batching your work, you can step off the conveyor belt of meetings and create the balance you want.
The 5 pieces of advice I’d give my younger self (as a woman in a male dominated industry)
I've raised $8 billion for boutique asset managers, which has led to 30 billion in follow-on AUM. Against the odds. The journey to success was a struggle. If I could speak to my younger self, just starting out in the investment industry, here’s what I’d tell her.
Flip the script: Write better messaging
Your marketing collateral, your messaging, your emails, your website, your social media, your stories… they can only have one hero. The hero isn't you. The hero is your ideal client. You are their guide. (I see you nodding your head and I love it.) So let's play it out IRL…
But what do you stand against?
Don't talk about what you stand for. Talk about what you stand against. When you work on your website, your messaging, your brand, your marketing collateral, etc, some branding expert or helpful article will tell you, "Talk about what you stand for. Your values." So we end up saying things like…
What I learned getting my first 10k followers on LinkedIn
The stats from my first year on LinkedIn are crazy to me (millions of views, over half a million in revenue, thousands of followers), but c’mon… the stats aren’t where it’s at for me. The stories are what are most amazing. The stories of people I met on LinkedIn who are now clients, colleagues, and best of all — friends. So, let’s get started. Your fans are waiting.
Meet the blogger
Hi, I’m Stacy Havener.
Founder of Havener Capital. Raising billions, stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up (cocktails included).
I’m a blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Born in the ‘70s, survivor of the ‘80s, and still in love with the ‘90s, I’m obsessed with all things old school – hip-hop music, classic cars and vintage furniture.
A must read
Steal my secrets for embracing authenticity, finding true fans, and growing a biz.
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LinkedIn has more than 900 million members and 40% access it daily, racking up over 1B interactions per month. If you’re not using LinkedIn to share your thought leadership, build relationships, and generate leads, you’re missing a key opportunity to meet your prospects where they are. Are you ready to meet your true fans where they’re at? Let’s go over the main questions I receive about posting on LinkedIn.