Raise the Bar
What can I get you?
Tips for setting yourself apart?
Strategies for raising capital?
Pull up a chair.
I've got some thoughts on tap.
No one wants your perfect: It’s science
The Pratfall Effect refers to the concept that people are perceived as more likable and human after making a mistake or exhibiting quirks or flaws. It’s rooted in the idea that showing imperfections makes us appear more authentic and relatable, thus leading to increased trustworthiness and credibility. Learn practical ways to apply the Pratfall Effect to connect with your audience.
Why I got all choked up at the mic
I flew to Philadelphia last week to speak at an event for investment professionals. It had sold out 3 weeks prior. (Whoa! That had never happened for them - or me!) I stepped to the mic and noticed every seat was taken... but something looked off. I fought back tears — not because I was nervous — I mean I was (hi, introvert here), but it was something else, something bigger.
The “Be more like the boys” advice we’ll never forget
The advice my mentor gave me when I got into this biz: "Wear suits from the boys section at Brooks Brothers. Put your hair in a low ponytail. Don't wear make-up. Be more like the boys if you want to play. Be stronger than them if you want to win." There are a whole bunch of us in the investment industry that weren't invited to sit at the table. We saw the empty chairs, but knew there were strings attached…
I am pretty and I refuse to sit still
This little girl is me. She had to wear a skirt every other day to public school. Sweet outfits with pink flowers, bows and shiny shoes. No sneakers or (gasp) workboots. She had to pay for her own college because people said she was going to college "to find a husband," not a career…
How the investment industry could be more like the Boys Club soccer camp
As a young girl, I went to camp at the Boys Club with the coach of the high school boys soccer team. I was the only girl (shocking I know). Now I am a founder in an industry dominated by men.
The reject product I bought on the spot
Last year was the 10 year anniversary of founding my company. I met a female founder at a farmers’ market in Block Island. She is a breakaway, a boutique fighting against the odds. She used to work for David Yurman, but decided to hang her own shingle.
How to beat the Bigs
Bigs don't want people to matter too much. They tout process. If a key person leaves, the Big's mantra is - doesn't matter, the process was always the thing, not the people. You can't beat the Bigs at their game. So look at what they aren't doing. Beat them at a different game.
The wrong degree from the wrong college
The worst questions then are the ones you should be proud of now. When I first got into this biz, networking dinners would go like this. (clinking glasses, dull roar of idle chit chat) “Would you like a drink?” Yes, liquid courage, rocks…
A podcast about human behavior (and rap)
My friend Daniel Crosby, Ph.D. invited me on his podcast. I said yes. We talked about the secrets behind raising billions of dollars. Why story is the slingshot. Why human behavior is the greatest 'unlock' to sales success…
How we got our name on the marquee
The best night of my professional life. Inspired by a Chrysler commercial starring Eminem and a ragtag bunch of hockey players who beat the powerhouse Soviet Union in the Olympics, it was a gift…
Camo isn’t a way to hide
When I stepped down as Prez of the Third Party Marketers Association, my team threw a surprise happy hour. They all wore something in my honor. Camo. As an introvert, the fact that I love camo is not lost on me…
Today is a big deal in my book
41 years ago, the U.S. hockey team pulled off an incredible upset against the Soviet Union during the Olympic Games in Lake Placid. The Soviet Union was a four-time defending gold medal team, but the U.S. team took them down 4-3.
Meet the blogger
Hi, I’m Stacy Havener.
Founder of Havener Capital. Raising billions, stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up (cocktails included).
I’m a blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Born in the ‘70s, survivor of the ‘80s, and still in love with the ‘90s, I’m obsessed with all things old school – hip-hop music, classic cars and vintage furniture.
A must read
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