You can sit with us
Me: Siked. Today is the first day of our first ever Boutique Week.
You: Huh? What is that?
Me: A long time coming
Years ago, when conferences were a thing (sigh), there was a speaker from one of the bigs. A female (cool) who specialized in high yield (also cool). She was everywhere. The big dropped boo koo bucks to have her speak at all the events.
But here's the thing, it got boring. Really boring. That's what happens to us. The bigs have the cash, they buy the air space, they control what we hear. They pick one company approved compliance stamped message and they beat it to death.
Let's shake it up.
Let's grab some founders
Of some really cool nichey boutiques.
Some contrarians
Some wicked smart introverted cats (love them)
Let's ask some questions.
Some real talk.
Some elephant in the room type stuff.
Let's get 1000's of investors to RSVP.
Let's give the thing a name.
Let's see where it goes.
Let's make it the first but not the last...
The bigs can keep their bucks... er, spend their bucks... on mainstream media.
We'll be over here.
Hanging with our tribe.
Being people.
You can sit with us.