How to make the rest of 2020 count

51 days. There are 51 days left in 2020. Real talk: you probably won't raise buckets of $ by the end of the year. So, how can you make these 51 days count?

If you haven't made a major dent in your asset raising goals already this year, it probs won't happen in 2020. Let's be honest with each other. $500 mm is not likely to show up in < 2 months. The year has been off kilter on many levels (understatement x 1,000) but that's no excuse for mailing it in. The year isn't over and there is work to be done.

Wake up kick ass repeat

51 days. Let's go.

  1. Make a plan. Not a big plan, a focused plan.

  2. Pick 3 goals that are not AUM / $, but are key to raising $ in the next 12 months.

  3. Measure them. Put milestones in each of the next 7 weeks.

  4. Celebrate your success.


  • send 25 handwritten notes to your best clients thanking them for their trust and faith in your firm

  • connect with 100 target prospects on LinkedIn

  • have 15 exploratory calls with new target prospects

Remember, it's the journey. It's the plan. It's all the baby steps that get us where we want to go.

And if the plan doesn’t work, no biggie, we make a new plan.

Keep going. The year isn't over yet. Sprint strong over the finish line.

Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


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