Two ways to broaden your tribe

Last week, we coffee cheers’d to Havener Capital’s 11 year anniversary.
11 years of entrepreneurship is a big deal.
It is emotional and heartfelt.

I love the connection we feel over building something. Some of us are building our own businesses - or a division inside a company. We are all building a culture - and a team. No matter the ownership structure, the journey is one our tribe is on together. That sense of community has been one of the best parts for me.

Two ways to broaden your tribe:

  1. Join a larger group

    Five years ago, I joined Strategic Coach. To say it changed my business is an understatement, it also changed my life. I found people who 100% "get me" and I've made lifelong friendships. Chad Johnson is my coach. He's solid gold.

  2. Find a smaller mastermind

I'm also in a mastermind led by Josh Steimle. It's a small group banded together for a specific purpose, writing a book, but the lessons I've learned and friends I've made go way beyond that.


It's the journey. It's even better with friends. Thanks to all of you for being mine.

Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


A podcast named after one of my fav mottos


A podcast about human behavior (and rap)