Raise the Bar

What can I get you?
Tips for setting yourself apart?
Strategies for raising capital?
Pull up a chair.

I've got some thoughts on tap.

Personal Branding, Entrepreneur Stacy Havener Personal Branding, Entrepreneur Stacy Havener

What I learned getting my first 10k followers on LinkedIn

The stats from my first year on LinkedIn are crazy to me (millions of views, over half a million in revenue, thousands of followers), but c’mon… the stats aren’t where it’s at for me. The stories are what are most amazing. The stories of people I met on LinkedIn who are now clients, colleagues, and best of all — friends. So, let’s get started. Your fans are waiting.

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Entrepreneur Stacy Havener Entrepreneur Stacy Havener

A guide to narrowing down your niche

What got you to where you are right now - your success, the hustle - that's not what is going to get you to the next level. What's going to help you meet your current business goals is defining your ideal client, your niche. In this guide, I cover what a niche is, why and how to narrow it down (even further!), and how to reach your niche.

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Blog categories

Raising capital
Personal branding
Behind the bar
Rebel spirit

Meet the blogger


Hi, I’m Stacy Havener.

Founder of Havener Capital. Raising billions, stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up (cocktails included).

I’m a blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Born in the ‘70s, survivor of the ‘80s, and still in love with the ‘90s, I’m obsessed with all things old school – hip-hop music, classic cars and vintage furniture. 

A must read

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