How to answer the question, “What do you do?”

A simple question yet so easy to botch it… we are asked it often and we ask it often. "What do you do?"

Go ahead, answer it to yourself. Did you crush it?

Regardless of whether people ask what your company does or what you do as a founder, it's not as easy as it seems. Here's what typically happens:

First, you shoot from the hip. It's clunky and confusing; you never say it the same way twice.

Next, you decide to write it down. But now it's way too long and uses words you'd never actually say in conversation. (Does anyone actually use the words amplify or empower?)

Then, you abandon that draft and go back to one that is oversimplified and sounds like everyone else. Arrgghh!

So maybe we go back to the drawing board to communicate how we help in an easy, real way…

Not too long, not too short
Not too complicated, not too simple
Not too generic, but not too esoteric
Something just right

Easier said than done, I know, but you need to be able to answer this question clearly and consistently. It’s important to your sales and marketing; it’s important to your story. It's often the first clue to your ideal client - the hero - that you are their guide.

My free Brand Story Workbook gives you everything you need to answer this question effectively, including an easy, fill-in-the-blank template to write your brand story and instructions on how to start incorporating it.


Are you a CEO or  founder looking to develop a personal brand?

Maybe I can help.

Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


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Make your past work for your future