Today is different

I don't post on Mondays because my Mondays are 100% dedicated to being a mom. Today is different.

Today is different

On Saturday, millions of shards of glass shattered in the most glorious of explosions when the United States announced our first Madam Vice President.

Today, my daughter and I will put on our Timbos and stomp the yard.

This is for the daughters. Your grandmother, mom, sister, aunt, wife, niece. Your own.

Today we get to say 'you can be anything' and we are 244 years closer to meaning it.

Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


We came. We sawed. We failed.