Rage against the status quo

If your fund is different, let’s do something different to market it.

Three things you can do

1. Stop using prospectus language as marketing language

First, culture of compliance. Second, regulatory docs are not marketing docs. Your investment objective is not your tagline nor your brandstory. There is more to you than “Seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation.”

2. Design a different fact sheet

New/young funds don’t have a lot of data. Why use fact sheet templates where data, charts, graphs are the stars. New/young funds do have a lot of words: story, team, pedigree, the problem you solve, reasons to invest. Brandstory, Backstory. Design materials that add to your marketing message not detract from it.

3. Share a case study

Tell how another investor uses your strategy. “One of our clients is an $XB RIA who was looking for a way to (a, b, c.) They selected us because of (x, y, z.) Our strategy brings (this and that) to their line-up.”

Now, go and do! Remember just because the crowd is doing one thing doesn’t mean it’s the one thing for you. Status quo = popular, not right.

Rage against the status quo
The present curriculum, I put my fist in ‘em…
— Rage against the machine
Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


Today is a big deal in my book


Dare to be different