3 things to consider before your next pitch

“Pitch, don’t kill my vibe.” Say this to yourself before every meeting… or channel Kendrick Lamar and sing it. Then review this list.

1. Equal minds. Check your ego at the door.

Just because you are the one “selling something” doesn’t mean you are better or smarter than your prospect. This meeting isn’t a battleground. You aren’t there to be the alpha; you are there to deliver the alpha. Come to the table with a servant mindset.

2. Don't sell anything and they might eventually buy something.

Especially in a first meeting. Your first meeting is a 'get to know you', so be a person. Be a person is not the same as sell yourself.
Stop selling, start being.

3. Ask questions about what they think, not what they think about you.

The typical mindset of a pitch is that you talk about what you want to say. The better mindset is that you talk about what the investor wants to hear. If you ask questions, you’ll find out what matters to your prospect. This is 100% more important than what matters to you.

Here's to better meetings.
Ditch your pitch.
People invest with people.

Ditch your pitch
Stacy Havener

Blue-collar girl from the Berkshires who combined a lot of grit with a little glitter to become a successful female entrepreneur in the investment world. Founder of Havener Capital, raising capital ($8B and counting), stomping glass ceilings, and shaking things up. 


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