What Do You Want People to Know About You
Your brand isn't what you say it is when you and your team sit in a room
It's what other people say it is when you aren't in the room at all
Think about that
▪ What do you want to be known for
▪ What makes you different (no, for real)
▪ How do you communicate that jazz
▪ With so much power that other people say it about you
When you aren't even there
Your brand is more than a logo and some snappy colors
Your brand walks into rooms before you
Your brand hangs out in rooms you aren't in
Your brand makes your first impression
Your brand needs intention to get attention
🌟 Your brand is an "and" and an "only" at the same time
Here's to you and your brand
Your company brand
Your personal brand
Get clear on the story you are telling yourself then go and tell others
(Don't like the story? No probs. Rewrite it.)
So, what do you want to be known for??